Breech Births

There are a host of alternative ways to get your baby to turn if he or she has not adopted the vertex or optimal birth position (head down and facing backwards) before attempting External Cephalic Version (where the baby is turned manually and which is often very uncomfortable) or resorting to a Caesarean section.

Hypnosis is a very effective way to help a baby to turn – in one study of 100 women, there was an 81% success rate for turning babies from breech to vertex with hypnosis. The average number of hours of hypnosis each woman received was four, and 50% of the successful turns required only one session. I offer hypnosis sessions developed by the HypnoBirthing Institute to help turn breech babies. Please contact me for details.

Acupuncture, chiropractic and reflexology can also be effective – see the relevant web pages on this site for recommended practitioners Lisa Jackson has met or been treated by personally.

Spinning Babies is a website with a wealth of information on turning breech babies.

Click here for more information on turning babies who are breech from a home-birth midwife.


To book a free, no-obligation, 20-minute phone consultation click here.