Hypnobirthing Course Content
Here’s a detailed description of everything you’ll learn during your 4 hour Hypnobirthing session…
How Hypnobirthing can help you have a gentle, natural, more comfortable birth with the minimum of medical intervention
The importance of language in the birth environment: how the words we hear during birth can either speed birth up or slow it down
How fear affects labour and the uterine muscles
Calm Breathing: the deeply relaxing breathing technique that will keep you calm between contractions/surges
Surge Breathing: the breathing technique you’ll use during contractions/surges to supply oxygen to your birthing muscles while staying calm
Birth Breathing: the breathing technique that’ll help your baby descend through the birth canal without exhausting pushing, which also limits the oxygen supply going to your baby and the birthing muscles
Two techniques that’ll help you feel instantly relaxed: Progressive Relaxation and Disappearing Letters
Two visualisation techniques that’ll make birth easier: Blue Satin Ribbons and Opening Blossom
Light Touch Massage: HypnoBirthing’s wonderfully pleasurable answer to a TENS machine that will release painkilling endorphins and oxytocin, the feel-good hormone that also stimulates the birthing muscles
Rainbow Relaxation: Dads/birth partners learn how to hypnotise their partner into a blissfully relaxed state that will encourage an easier, quicker, more comfortable birth
Three additional hypnosis scripts: Glove Relaxation, the Depthometer and the Control Valve
Visualising your baby’s optimal birth position
Assertiveness techniques that you can use when interacting with medical professionals that will help you have the natural, gentle birth you’ve planned
The Birth Companion’s Prompt Card: everything you’ve learned summarised in one handy sheet