Water Birth

Visit Waterbirth International for more information on water birth.

Visit The Waterbirth Website to purchase the award-winning Water Babyvideo.

For an article on water birth from the UK-based Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS), click here. AIMS also runs a helpline (0300 3650663) and offers support and information about all aspects of birth, including if you’re finding it difficult to arrange a water or home birth. Its website features articles, a journal and lists of useful publications. You can also purchase a booklet, Choosing A Water Birth, £5, from the site, which has information on how to arrange a water birth and pool rental, along with advice on how to overcome any obstacles you may encounter in choosing this type of birth.

To visit Sheila Kitzinger’s website, which has information on water birth, books and resources, click here.

Birth Balance is an American water birth site with information on the pros and cons of water birth and how to prepare for one.

The Association of Radical Midwives is a UK-based group of midwives, student midwives and others who are committed to improving NHS maternity care. Its archives have a lot of useful information about home birth and water birth, including discussions about water temperature and staying in the pool after the birth.


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